
Week   Topic(s)                                                     Slide(s)                                 Additional Resources
Week I
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Computers, Programs, and Python [Liang]

Chapter 1 - General Introduction [Think Python : Interactive Edition]
Ch1 : ppt | pdf

Ch 1 : html
Introduction to How Computers Work
- https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-science/how-computers-work2
- https://bjc.edc.org/bjc-r/topic/topic.html?topic=nyc_bjc/6-how-computers-work.topic&course=bjc4nyc.html&novideo&noassignment

Programming Languages
- Languages in GitHub
    - https://madnight.github.io/githut/
- Tiobe Index
   - https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/

Introduction to Python
- Sredmont (pdf)
- JTam  (ppt)
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_overview.htm

Python for Computational Science and Engineering - Ch 1 (html, ipynb)
Week II
Chapter 2 - Elementary Programming

Chapter 2 - Simple Pyhon Data
Ch 2 : ppt | pdf

Ch 2: html
realPython - Operators and Expressions in Python (html)
w3schools- Comments, Variables, Datatypes, Numbers (html)
learnPython - Variables and Types (html)

Python for Computational Science and Engineering (html)
Python for Computational Science and Engineering - Ch 2 (html)
Jupyter Notebooks for Variables and Expressions  (ipynb)
Week III
Chapter 3: Mathematical Functions, Strings, and Objects

Chapter 4 - Python Turtle Graphics [Think Python : Interactive Edition]

Chapter 5 - Python Modules [Think Python : Interactive Edition]

Chapter 4 - Selections

Chapter 7 - Selection [Think Python : Interactive Edition]
Ch 3: ppt | pdf

Ch 4: html

Ch 5: html

Ch 4: ppt | pdf

Ch 7: html
w3schools - Strings (html)

Turtle Tutorials:
- Tutorial I (html)
- Tutorial II (html)

w3schools - If ... Else (html)

programiz - Python Flow Control (html)

Python for Computational Science and Engineering - Ch 3 (html)
Python for Computational Science and Engineering - Ch 4 (html)
Python for Computational Science and Engineering - Ch 5 (html)
Python for Computational Science and Engineering - Ch 6 (html)
Week IV
Chapter 5 - Loops

Chapter 8 - More About Iteration [Think Python : Interactive Edition]
Ch 5:ppt | pdf

Ch 8: html
w3schools - Python Functions (html)

programiz - Python Functions (html)
Week V
Chapter 6 - Functions

Chapter 6 - Functions [Think Python : Interactive Edition]
Ch 6: ppt | pdf

Ch 6: html
w3schools - Python Functions (html)

programiz - Python Functions (html)
Week VI
Chapter 7 - Object-Oriented Programming

Chapter 17 - Classes and Objects - the Basics
Ch 7: ppt | pdf

Ch 17: html
w3schools - Python Classes/Objects (html)

programiz - Python Object Oriented Programming (html)
Week VII

Chapter 8 - More on Strings and Special Methods Ch 8: ppt | pdf

Ch 9: html
w3schools - Python Strings (html)

programiz - Pyhton Strings (html)
Midterm Week (21.11-29.11)    
Week IX
Chapter 9 - GUI Programming Using Tkinter

Chapter 15 - GUI and Event Driven Programming
Ch 9: ppt | pdf

Ch 9: html
Python GUI Examples (Tkinter Tutorial)  (html)
Python Tkinter (html)
Python - GUI Programming (Tkinter) (html)
Introduction To GUI With Tkinter In Python (html)
Tkinter Tutorial For Beginners (html)
Tkinter tutorial - zetcode (html)
Week X
GUI Continued & Lists    
Week XI

Chapter 10 - Lists

Chapter 10 - Lists
Ch 10: ppt | pdf

Ch 10: html
w3schools - Python Lists (html)

programiz - Lists  (html)
Week XI

Chapter 11 - Lists for Multi dimensional Data
Chapter 12 - Inheritance and Class Design

Chapter 10 - Nested Lists
Chapter 19 - Inheritance
Ch 11: ppt | pdf
Ch 12: ppt | pdf

Ch 10: html
Ch 19: html
w3schools - Python Inheritance (html)

programiz - Inheritance  (html)
Week XII
Chapter 13 - Files and Exception Handling
Chapter 14 - Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries

Chapter 11 - Files
Chapter 12 - Dictionaries
Ch 13: ppt | pdf
Ch 14: ppt | pdf

Ch 11: html
Ch 12: html
w3schools - File Handling (html)
programiz - File I/O (html)

w3schools - Try Except (html)
programiz - Exception Handling (html)

programiz - Tuple (html), Set (html), Dictionary (html)
w2schools - Tuples (html), Sets (html), Dictionaries (html)
Chapter 15 - Recursion

Chapter 16 - Recursion
Ch 15: ppt | pdf

Ch 16: html
programiz - Recursion (html)

realpython (html)
Week XIV
Miscellaneous Topics
Python 3's f-Strings: An Improved String Formatting:
- https://realpython.com/python-string-formatting/
- https://realpython.com/python-f-strings/

Python Packages and Modules:

- https://ealizadeh.com/blog/guide-to-python-env-pkg-dependency-using-conda-poetry

- https://www.askpython.com/python/conda-vs-pip

- https://www.earthdatascience.org/courses/intro-to-earth-data-science/python-code-fundamentals/use-python-packages/

- https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/modules.html
- https://www.javatpoint.com/python-modules
- https://realpython.com/python-modules-packages/

Virtual Environments in Python:
- https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/virtual-environment-in-python
- https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-python-virtualenv-and-a-conda-environment
- https://realpython.com/effective-python-environment/
Week XV
   - Grades (html)