12.1 Introduction—Natural Language Communication Examples

Examples of natural language communications
Conversations between people
Communicating with a hearing-impaired friend via sign language
Learning a foreign language to prepare for travel abroad
Using a smartphone to read a menu in another language
Reading/writing text messages
A blind colleague reading braille or listening to a screen reader describe what’s on a computer screen
Receiving a client email in Spanish, translating it and responding in English knowing that your client can easily translate your email back to Spanish
and much more.

12.1 Introduction (cont.)

  • NLP is performed on text collections (corpora, plural of corpus):
    • Tweets
    • Facebook posts
    • Conversations
    • Movie reviews
    • Documents
    • Books
    • News
    • And more
  • Nuances of meaning make natural language understanding difficult
    • Text’s meaning can be influenced by context and reader’s “world view”

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