
- Programming assignments will be submitted through Google Classroom. Assignments should be submitted inside a PY with a file name as follows:

    - [Department Code:COE-BME,EEE,IND or CEE]-[Student No]-[Last Name]-["Lab" number].py
    - Examples :  
    - If your solution has multiple files, then put all of files into a ZIP file with the same naming conventions

-Your program header should be as follows:
#  Name:    	 Ali Cokcalışır
#  Student ID:   6321211
#  Department:   Industrial Engineering
#  Assignment ID: A2 Question 1 
#  Description:  Prints the number of stars to the console
#                depending on the counts stored in an array.   
#  Sources:      Give references for the sources that you used in your 
#                program if there areany
- Don't forget to write comments to explain your code whenever necessary.

- Naming Conventions:

   - Choose meaningful and descriptive names for variable, method and class names.

   - Variables and method names:
	Use lowercase. If the name consists of several 	words, concatenate all in one, use lowercase
	for the first word, and capitalize the first letter of each subsequent word in the name. For
	example, the variables radius and area, and the method computeArea. 

   - Class names:
	Capitalize the first letter of each word in the name. For example, the class name

Assignment No Assignment Due Date Resources
A0 Install and Run Python

1) Install Python 3 (html, html, html)
2) Install Pycharm (html, html)
3) Install Anaconda (html, html))

- Installation Guide for all Python, PyCharm and Anaconda (pdf)

Editor/IDE Tutorials:
 - IDLE Tutorial (html)
 - PyCharm Tutorials (html, html, html)
 - Anaconda Tutorials (html, html, html)

You don't have to submit anything.
30.09.2019 Python IDEs
  - Top Python IDEs for 2019  (html)
  - 12 Best Python IDEs And Code Editors In 2019 (html)
  - Python IDEs and Code Editors (Guide)  (html)
  - All IDEs (html)

Running Python code with terminal, CLI or Windows command line (CMD)
  - Command-line interface (CLI) (html)
  - Introduction to the command-line interface (html, html, html)
  - How to Use Windows Command Prompt to Run a Python File  (html)
  - Windows Powershell (html, html)
  If your mail address ends with, you can access to the classroom with using this guide (pdf)
Others Will be posted on Google classroom.