11.9.2 Big O of the Binary Search

  • Worst-case scenario: Searching a sorted array of 1023 elements takes only 10 comparisons with binary search
  • Repeatedly dividing 1023 by 2 (because after each comparison we can eliminate half the array) and rounding down (because we also remove the middle element) yields 511, 255, 127, 63, 31, 15, 7, 3, 1 and 0
  • 1023 (which is 210 – 1) is divided by 2 only 10 times to get the value 0, which indicates that there are no more elements to test
  • Dividing by 2 is equivalent to one comparison in the binary search algorithm
  • An array of 1,048,575 (220 – 1) elements takes a maximum of 20 comparisons

11.9.2 Big O of the Binary Search

  • An array of about one billion elements takes a maximum of 30 comparisons
  • Tremendous improvement over linear search
    • For a one-billion-element array, this is a difference between an average of 500 million comparisons for the linear search and a maximum of only 30 comparisons for the binary search!
  • Maximum number of comparisons needed for the binary search of any sorted array is the exponent of the first power of 2 greater than the number of elements in the array, which is represented as log2n
  • From a Big O perspective, all logarithms grow at roughly the same rate, so in Big O, the base can be omitted
  • O(log n) for a binary search, which is also known as logarithmic run time and pronounced as “order log n.”
  • Assumes the array is sorted, which could take time

©1992–2020 by Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This content is based on Chapter 5 of the book Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science: Learning to Program with AI, Big Data and the Cloud.

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