11.13 Merge Sort

  • An efficient sorting algorithm
    • Conceptually more complex than selection sort and insertion sort
  • Sorts an array by splitting it into two equal-sized subarrays, sorting each subarray, then merging them into one larger array
    • With an odd number of elements, the algorithm creates the two subarrays such that one has one more element than the other

11.13 Merge Sort (cont.)

  • Implementation of merge sort in this example is recursive
  • Base case is an array with one element, which is, of course, sorted
  • Recursion step splits the array into two approximately equal pieces, recursively sorts them, then merges the two sorted arrays into one larger, sorted array

11.13 Merge Sort (cont.)

  • Suppose the algorithm has already merged smaller arrays to create sorted arrays

    array1: 14 20 34 56 77
    array2: 15 30 51 52 93

  • Merge sort combines these two arrays into one larger, sorted array
  • Smallest element in array1 is 14 (located in index 0 of array1)
  • Smallest element in array2 is 15 (located in index 0 of array2)
  • To determine the smallest element in the larger array, the algorithm compares 14 and 15
  • The value from array1 is smaller, so 14 becomes the first element in the merged array
  • The algorithm continues by comparing 20 (the second element in array1) to 15 (the first element in array2)
  • The value from array2 is smaller, so 15 becomes the second element in the larger array
  • The algorithm continues by comparing 20 to 30, with 20 becoming the third element in the array, and so on.

11.13.1 Merge Sort Implementation

  • mergesort.py defines:
    • Function merge_sort to initiate the sorting
    • Function sort_array to implement the recursive merge sort algorithm—this is called by function merge_sort
    • Function merge to merge two sorted subarrays into a single sorted subarray
    • Function subarray_string to get a subarray’s string representation for output purposes to help visualize the sort
    • Function main tests function merge_sort
  • It’s well worth your time to step through this program's outputs to fully understand this elegant and fast sorting algorithm

Function merge_sort

  • Calls function sort_array to initiate the recursive algorithm, passing 0 and len(data) - 1 as the low and high indices of the array to be sorted
    • These values tell function sort_array to operate on the entire array
In [1]:
# mergesort.py
"""Sorting an array with merge sort."""
import numpy as np 

# calls recursive sort_array method to begin merge sorting
def merge_sort(data):
    sort_array(data, 0, len(data) - 1)  

Recursive Function sort_array

  • Performs the recursive merge sort algorithm
  • If the size of the array is 1, the array is already sorted, so the function returns immediately
  • If the size of the array is greater than 1, the function splits the array in two, recursively calls function sort_array to sort the two subarrays, then merges them.
    • The first recursive call to function sort_array operates on the first half of the array, and the second recursive call operates on the second half of the array
    • When these two function calls return, each half of the array has been sorted
  • The call to function merge with the indices for the two halves of the array, combines the two sorted arrays into one larger sorted array
In [2]:
def sort_array(data, low, high):
    """Split data, sort subarrays and merge them into sorted array."""
    # test base case size of array equals 1     
    if (high - low) >= 1:  # if not base case
        middle1 = (low + high) // 2  # calculate middle of array
        middle2 = middle1 + 1  # calculate next element over     

        # output split step
        print(f'split:   {subarray_string(data, low, high)}') 
        print(f'         {subarray_string(data, low, middle1)}') 
        print(f'         {subarray_string(data, middle2, high)}\n') 

        # split array in half then sort each half (recursive calls)
        sort_array(data, low, middle1)  # first half of array       
        sort_array(data, middle2, high)  # second half of array     

        # merge two sorted arrays after split calls return
        merge(data, low, middle1, middle2, high)              

Function merge

  • The while loop iterates until the end of either subarray is reached, merging the sorted subarrays
  • When the while loop completes, one entire subarray has been placed in the combined array, but the other subarray still contains data
    • The if/else statement after the loop uses slices to fill the appropriate elements of the combined array with the remaining elements
  • Finally, the function copies the combined array into the original array that data references
In [3]:
# merge two sorted subarrays into one sorted subarray             
def merge(data, left, middle1, middle2, right):
    left_index = left  # index into left subarray              
    right_index = middle2  # index into right subarray         
    combined_index = left  # index into temporary working array
    merged = [0] * len(data)  # working array        
    # output two subarrays before merging
    print(f'merge:   {subarray_string(data, left, middle1)}') 
    print(f'         {subarray_string(data, middle2, right)}') 

    # merge arrays until reaching end of either         
    while left_index <= middle1 and right_index <= right:
        # place smaller of two current elements into result  
        # and move to next space in arrays                   
        if data[left_index] <= data[right_index]:       
            merged[combined_index] = data[left_index]
            combined_index += 1
            left_index += 1
            merged[combined_index] = data[right_index] 
            combined_index += 1
            right_index += 1

    # if left array is empty                                
    if left_index == middle2:  # if True, copy in rest of right array
        merged[combined_index:right + 1] = data[right_index:right + 1]
    else:  # right array is empty, copy in rest of left array
        merged[combined_index:right + 1] = data[left_index:middle1 + 1]

    data[left:right + 1] = merged[left:right + 1]  # copy back to data

    # output merged array
    print(f'         {subarray_string(data, left, right)}\n') 

Function subarray_string

  • Throughout the algorithm, we display portions of the array to show the split and merge operations
In [4]:
# method to output certain values in array
def subarray_string(data, low, high):
    temp = '   ' * low  # spaces for alignment
    temp += ' '.join(str(item) for item in data[low:high + 1])
    return temp

Function main

In [5]:
def main():
    data = np.array([34, 56, 14, 20, 77, 51, 93, 30, 15, 52])
    print(f'Unsorted array: {data}\n')
    print(f'\nSorted array: {data}\n')
In [6]:
# call main to execute the sort (we removed the if statement from the script in the book)
Unsorted array: [34 56 14 20 77 51 93 30 15 52]

split:   34 56 14 20 77 51 93 30 15 52
         34 56 14 20 77
                        51 93 30 15 52

split:   34 56 14 20 77
         34 56 14
                  20 77

split:   34 56 14
         34 56

split:   34 56

merge:   34
         34 56

merge:   34 56
         14 34 56

split:            20 77

merge:            20
                  20 77

merge:   14 34 56
                  20 77
         14 20 34 56 77

split:                  51 93 30 15 52
                        51 93 30
                                 15 52

split:                  51 93 30
                        51 93

split:                  51 93

merge:                  51
                        51 93

merge:                  51 93
                        30 51 93

split:                           15 52

merge:                           15
                                 15 52

merge:                  30 51 93
                                 15 52
                        15 30 51 52 93

merge:   14 20 34 56 77
                        15 30 51 52 93
         14 15 20 30 34 51 52 56 77 93

Sorted array: [14 15 20 30 34 51 52 56 77 93]

11.13.2 Big O of the Merge Sort

  • Merge sort is far more efficient than insertion or selection sort
  • Consider the first (nonrecursive) call to sort_array
  • This results in two recursive calls to sort_array with subarrays each approximately half the original array’s size, and a single call to merge, which requires, at worst, n – 1 comparisons to fill the original array, which is O(n)
  • The two calls to sort_array result in four more recursive sort_array calls, each with a subarray approximately a quarter of the original array’s size, along with two calls to merge that each require, at worst, n/2 – 1 comparisons, for a total number of comparisons of O(n)
  • This process continues, each sort_array call generating two additional sort_array calls and a merge call until the algorithm has split the array into one-element subarrays

11.13.2 Big O of the Merge Sort (cont.)

  • At each level, O(n) comparisons are required to merge the subarrays
  • Each level splits the arrays in half, so doubling the array size requires one more level
  • Quadrupling the array size requires two more levels
  • This pattern is logarithmic and results in log2n levels
  • Total efficiency of O(n log n) which, of course, is much faster than the O(n2) sorts we studied

©1992–2020 by Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This content is based on Chapter 5 of the book Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science: Learning to Program with AI, Big Data and the Cloud.

DISCLAIMER: The authors and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing the book. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these programs or to the documentation contained in these books. The authors and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs.